Things I Would Tell a 15 Year Old That I know at 35
I have followed most of these throughout my life, even when I was younger. It has made a world of difference compared to so many others I know.
- Choosing the more difficult options now will make life easier later.
- The "cool" people will soon become "obscure" people. I wish I had a nickel for every high school star athlete who became an insurance salesman or mortgage broker.
- People are far too worried about themselves to even notice you most of the time.
- Other people's opinions are colored by their own perspective, and therefore mostly worthless.
- Do the right thing, even when no one is looking.
- Buy a good, used car. Take good care of it, and drive it until it barely runs anymore.
- That gadget, while cool, will be obsolete next year. Save your money. It's a gift you are giving your future self.
- If you really want to buy something, wait a couple of months to see if you still need it. You probably didn't.
- If you say you are going to do something, do it, and do it better than they expected.
- If you work harder at your job, you will enjoy it more.
- Always be learning something new.
- Wake up early. Show up early. Nobody ever got in trouble for showing up early.
- Religious faith is worth more than you think. Other paths to personal fulfillment will ultimately prove shallow by comparison.
- Only upgrade your computer if the screen looks like a slide show, or your hard drive sounds like a chainsaw.
- Only go to college if there is something there you specifically want to study. Otherwise, a trade school is just as good or better.
- The military is not a bad idea either.
- If you must go to college, pick a major that will lead to a job. Otherwise, don't complain about the job market. People really aren't hiring philosophy or Russian literature majors.
- Women are just as shallow as men when it comes to judging someone by physical appearance. If a woman accuses you of wanting someone for their looks alone, ask her if she would date a man shorter than she.
- If a woman complains that she can't find a nice guy, she really means she finds nice guys boring.
- If you like a girl who complains that her boyfriend is a jerk, forget ever dating her. You have no chance with her, and it would not be worth it anyway.
- If someone says, "It's not the money; it's the principle", it's the money.
- Don't sweat public speaking. Remember, you most likely know more about the subject you are covering that the audience
- Read at least one book a year.
- Never say "I'm sorry". Say "It won't happen again".